lay the draw strategy

Lay The Draw Betting Strategy: A Comprehensive Guide

Lay The Draw betting strategy is a popular approach that involves placing a lay bet on the draw. This strategy is commonly used in football betting and relies on the use of a betting exchange. Understanding how to lay a bet is essential to this strategy, as it involves playing the role of the bookmaker.

One of the key advantages of Lay The Draw betting strategy is that it allows bettors to increase their chances of winning by betting against the draw. This means that even if the match ends in a draw, the bettor can still make a profit. However, it is important to note that this strategy requires careful management of risk and liability, as well as a good understanding of match selection and exit strategies.

It is important to avoid common mistakes and to always be aware of the potential risks involved. In the following article, I will provide a comprehensive guide to Lay The Draw betting strategy, including tips and strategies for success.

Example of a football match where you can lay the draw

Key Takeaways

  • Understanding Lay The Draw Betting is essential to successfully implementing this strategy.
  • The Role of Betting Exchanges is crucial to the success of Lay The Draw betting.
  • Strategies for Lay The Draw Betting require careful management of risk and liability, as well as a good understanding of match selection and exit strategies.

understanding lay the draw

Understanding Lay The Draw Betting

Lay the draw betting is a football trading strategy that involves placing a lay bet on the draw in a football match. This is done by using a betting exchange, where punters can bet against each other. In a lay bet, you are betting that a particular outcome will not happen. In this case, you are betting that the match will not end in a draw.

The lay the draw strategy is based on the idea that most football matches do not end in a draw. According to statistics, only about 25% of football matches end in a draw. Therefore, by laying the draw, you are betting on the underdog team to win or the favourite team to win by a significant margin.

To execute this strategy, you need to find a match where you think there is a good chance that one team will score a goal early in the match. This can be due to the attacking strength of one team or the defensive weakness of the other team. Once a goal is scored, the odds of a draw will increase, and you can then back the draw at higher odds to lock in a profit.

One of the advantages of lay the draw betting is that it reduces your risk. When you place a lay bet, your liability is the amount you could lose if the outcome you are betting against happens. In this case, your liability is the amount you would have to pay out if the match ends in a draw. However, by using an exit strategy such as cashing out or hedging your bet, you can reduce your liability and lock in a profit.

To be successful, you need to choose the right matches to bet on. This involves doing research and looking at factors such as league position, recent form, and head-to-head records. You also need to be disciplined and patient, as not every match will be suitable for this strategy.

The Role of Betting Exchanges

As I delve into this, I cannot ignore the vital role that betting exchanges play in this method. Unlike traditional bookmakers, betting apps such as Betfair, Smarkets, and Matchbook allow users to bet against each other rather than against the bookmaker. This means that users can act as both the punter and the bookmaker, offering and accepting bets on a variety of events, including football matches.

Betting exchanges have revolutionized the world of sports betting, and this strategy is just one example of how they have changed the game. With the ability to both back and lay bets, users have more control over their bets and can often get better odds than they would with a traditional bookmaker.

The most popular betting exchange is Betfair. With its large user base and liquidity, Betfair offers users a wide range of markets to bet on, including football matches. Smarkets and Matchbook are also popular options, offering competitive odds and a user-friendly interface.

lay the draw

Strategies for Lay The Draw Betting

There are several strategies that can be employed to increase the chances of success. Here are some of the most effective strategies:

Choose the Right Games!

Choosing the right games to bet on is crucial to success. It is important to look for games where there is a clear favourite, as this will reduce the likelihood of a draw. Additionally, games where both teams are likely to score are ideal, as this will increase the likelihood of a goal being scored and the draw odds increasing. I personally prefer to look for weak defences where goals are likely. The clean sheet stats are my go-to place to start my research. (You can find the Premier League clean sheet stats here)

How To Lay The Draw

Here is the step by step guide

  1. Do your research and select a match
  2. Go to Betfair and tap on the lay odds on the draw. Remember your “stake” is your liability. 
  3. Confirm the bet
  4. You will now find your lay in the “my bets” section of the app. 

Having a solid exit strategy is essential. This involves knowing when to close out the trade and take a profit or a loss. One effective exit strategy is to close out the trade if a goal is scored, as this will increase the draw odds and allow you to take a profit. Another strategy is to use a stop loss, which will automatically close out the trade if a certain level of loss is reached. This is all down to personal preference and attitude to risk. 


Lay The Draw Exit Strategies

There are several different exit strategies that can be used when Lay The Draw betting. One effective strategy is to use a trailing stop loss, which will move up as the draw odds increase. This will allow you to lock in a profit if the draw odds continue to increase, while also limiting your potential loss. Another strategy is to use a fixed stop loss, which will close out the trade if a certain level of loss is reached.

Understanding Match Selection

Match selection is critical. It is essential to choose the right matches to bet on, and not every football game is suitable for this type of betting.

In general, the Premier League and other top-tier leagues are great for Lay The Draw betting. These leagues are full of goals and surprises, making them perfect for this strategy. However, it’s important to note that not every match in these leagues will be suitable for Lay The Draw betting.

When selecting a match, it’s crucial to look for a clear favourite and an underdog. The favourite should be a team that is expected to win comfortably, while the underdog should be a team that is expected to struggle. This is because Lay The Draw betting requires at least one team to score, and the underdog is more likely to concede goals.

In addition to a clear favourite and underdog, it’s also important to look for teams that know how to find the back of the net regularly. This increases the chances of at least one team scoring, which is essential for Lay The Draw betting.

When it comes to the odds, it’s best to look for Lay odds at kick-off of around 3.6 to 5. This range is ideal for Lay The Draw betting, and it’s important to avoid matches with Lay odds that are too high or too low.

Overall, match selection is crucial for Lay The Draw Betting Strategy. It’s important to choose the right matches based on clear favourites, underdogs, and teams that know how to score regularly.

Managing Risk and Liability

As with any betting strategy, managing risk and liability is an essential aspect of Lay The Draw. Here are some key points to keep in mind when it comes to managing risk and liability:


Hedging is a strategy that involves placing a bet on the opposite outcome of your original bet. For example, if you’ve laid the draw and the odds have shifted in favour of a draw, you could hedge your bet by placing a small wager on the draw. This way, if the match ends in a draw, you’ll still make a profit.

Insurance Bets

Insurance bets are similar to hedging, but they involve placing a bet on a specific outcome that would result in a profit even if your original bet loses. For example, if you’ve laid the draw, you could place a small bet on a specific team to win. If that team wins, you’ll still make a profit even if the match ends in a draw.

Reducing Liability

Reducing liability is a key part of managing risk in Lay The Draw. One way to reduce liability is to wait until later in the match to place your bet. The longer the match goes on without a goal, the less likely it becomes that a goal will be scored. Another way to reduce liability is to look for matches where one team is significantly stronger than the other. In these cases, it’s more likely that the stronger team will score first, reducing your liability.

Importance of Exit Strategies

An exit strategy is a plan that a trader has in place to exit a trade when certain conditions are met. In the context of Lay The Draw betting, it refers to the plan to exit the trade when the odds of the draw increase, and the trader wants to lock in a profit or minimize a loss.

In summary, exit strategies are an essential part of this strategy. They help traders to manage their risk, lock in profits and minimize losses. A well-thought-out exit strategy should be based on sound logic and analysis, taking into account the trader’s risk tolerance and market conditions.

Mistakes to Avoid

As with any betting strategy, there are certain mistakes that can be made when implementing the Lay The Draw betting strategy. Here are some common mistakes to avoid:

Not Doing Enough Research

One of the biggest mistakes that can be made when using the Lay The Draw betting strategy is not doing enough research. It’s important to understand the teams involved in the match, their current form, and any injuries or suspensions they may have. Without this information, it’s difficult to make an informed decision on whether or not to lay the draw.

Not Being Patient

Another mistake that can be made is not being patient enough. It’s important to wait for the right opportunities to present themselves before placing a bet. Rushing in too quickly can lead to losses, so it’s important to take the time to analyze the situation and wait for the right moment.

Not Using Stop Losses

Stop losses are an important part of any betting strategy, and the Lay The Draw strategy is no exception. Not using stop losses can lead to significant losses, especially if a match takes an unexpected turn. It’s important to set stop losses at a reasonable level to limit potential losses.

Overvaluing the Draw

It’s easy to overvalue the draw when using the Lay The Draw strategy. While it’s true that draws can be profitable, it’s important to remember that they don’t happen as often as wins or losses. Overvaluing the draw can lead to missed opportunities and losses.